System Fine Tuning

Allow KSDesigns to maximise your system’s true potential and enjoy a better system experience.

KSDesigns utilises its extensive technical expertise to deliver Audio, Video and Lighting system fine tuning services.

Audio systems in particular can become detuned over time by a variety of factors.

Many times constant adjustment by end users results in the output performance of systems being compromised.

Sometimes systems have never delivered their maximum potential due to poor initial system tuning.

KSDesigns will maximise the capability of your existing systems to deliver its full potential.

System Upgrades

Utilise KSDesigns’ extensive expertise to upgrade your existing A/V and lighting system.

KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants

KSDesigns is available to design and install an upgrade for your existing Audio, Video and Lighting systems.

In many cases system performance is held back by poor performance of one or two key components.

Allow KSDesigns to identify those areas where your system is letting you down.

We can design and implement an appropriate plan to upgrade your system to deliver the performance that you require.

The same attention to detail is given to system upgrades that we deliver to completely new installations.

New Systems

Have KSDesigns create a bespoke new system to fulfil your A/V and lighting needs well into the future.

KSDesigns’ philosophy is to provide the highest quality of Audio, Video and Lighting solutions to suit our client’s needs, whilst ensuring system operation is made as simple as possible.

KSDesign works very closely with its clients to gain a clear and complete understanding of their current and future requirements.

A comprehensive study is made of existing or proposed infrastructure to understand fully the environment in which the new Audio, Video and Lighting system will operate. During this process emphasis is paid to identifying any potential areas or risks that may require special attention to avoid difficulties in successful system operation.

Upon completion of projects, clients are trained how to best use their new system. KSDesigns recognises that end users have varied levels of technical expertise and happily conducts appropriate training to specifically address these different groups.

KSDesigns desire to build and maintain long lasting client relationships is central to our business model in providing the highest possible level of service to all of our clients. Our assistance is available 365 days a year.

Our Partners

Partners 1 KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants Partners 2 KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants KSDesigns | Audio, video and lighting consultants